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Select Board Meeting Minutes 8/20/12
Monterey Select Board
Minutes of the meeting of 8/20/12

Meeting Opened at: 9am
Select Board Members Present: Scott Jenssen, Chairperson, Muriel Lazzarini and Wayne Burkhart
Also in attendance for parts of the meeting:  Susan Gallant for the Monterey News

The board met with Police Chief, Gareth Backhaus to review the following:
1.  Walk in found a canoe – anyone who has lost a canoe should contact Chief Backhaus.
2.  “Suspicious Activity” on Blue Hill Rd.
3.  Loose dog on Blue Hill Rd – returned to owner at Blue Hill Farm.
4.  2 loose dogs reported on Pixley – returned to owner
5.  Summons served on Fairview Rd.
6.  False Alarms x 2
7.  Assisted with a fire call on Brett – turned out to be burnt food.
8.  Call reporting the smell of wood burning – police investigated it turned out to be a BBQ using wood chips to cook.
9.  2 car MVA on Main Rd. – no injuries.
10.  Incident off of Sylvan Rd – police are investigating.
11.  Disabled MV at town beach – Officer Johnson and Officer Mullen assisted with getting the car started.
12.  Mutual Aid call in Gt. Barrington.
13.  Scott asked Chief Backhaus to follow up on a loose dog, not under the owner’s control at the DCR building in Beartown State Forest.
14.  Everything went smoothly during MontereyFest from a Police Department standpoint.
15.  Chief Backhaus recommended promoting Officer Johnson to the position of Sergeant.  The Chief stated that Michael has shown outstanding dedication to the Town as well as professionalism, knowledge of the job, organizational skills and great leadership skills.  Michael has been registered for a training class for Sergeants in Sept.  The Chief also recommended a $0.50 per hour pay raise (to be covered through the Police budget) as well as a further review of the position by the ECAC.  The Board agreed that this is well deserved.  The Board made a motion to promote Officer Johnson to Sergeant which was seconded and unanimously approved.
16.  The Board inquired about how reverse 911 works.  Currently the Sheriff’s Office has the capability to send these out throughout Berkshire County.  It will not call unlisted numbers or cell phones.  Chief Backhaus stated that individual towns can also subscribe to a private company for this service for approximately $3,500/yr.  There is also a per message charge from the private companies when used.

Miscellaneous Select Board Items Reviewed:
1.  The minutes from 8.13.12 were approved as written.
2.  Chief Backhaus noted that the article in the Berkshire Record incorrectly gave credit to the Police Department for the Senior Wii Bowling League and it should have been given to the Council on Aging and that Officer Michael Johnson was incorrectly listed as Chief Johnson.
3.  Scott Jenssen spoke with Pat Mielke, Treasurer about the Senior Tax Work-Off Abatement and she’s going to provide the Board with more information that she has with regards to the program.
4.  Muriel thought it would be nice to invite the new owners of Hume New England to come in and meet them and to let the Board know of their future plans for the camp/property.
5.  Muriel is going to work on a draft job description for the Select Board to review week.
6.  Muriel stated that she attended the Wii Senior Bowling League night; 6 people are on the team (2 of which are alternates) and that it was a lot of fun.
7.  Muriel also inquired about informally meeting the person running for the Monterey School Committee position.  Wayne knows the person running and will speak with her.
8.  Muriel asked M. Noe for a list regarding work to be done to get the basement up to code and completed so that a Certificate of Occupancy can be issued.
9.  The Board discussed their ideas to incorporate a new school on the WMH property.
10.  MMA Breakfast on Oct 12th in Williamstown: Muriel will attend.
11.  M. Noe informed the Board that the ZBA has interviewed 2 interested applicants for the Alternate ZBA Member position.  They have recommended appointing Ian Jenkins as their first choice or Michael Storch and encourage the Board to interview both applicants if they are interested.  A motion was made to appoint Ian Jenkins as the Alternate ZBA Member for a term of 5 years.  The motion was seconded and unanimously appointed.
12.  Mail was reviewed which included:
a.  Letter of interest received from Don Torrico to fulfill the vacant Tree Warden position until elections or until the position is made an appointed one.  Don has an Associate’s Degree in Forestry and is qualified for the position.  M. Forbes has also shown interest, they will ask him for a formal letter of interest and then both will be interviewed.
b.  Each member of the Board received a “Guide to Sound Fiscal Management for Municipalities” from the Pioneer Institute.
c.  Town Clerk’s posted hours for the week.
d.  Request for a one day alcohol special permit for a family reunion at KSA.  The Board approved the request and the permit will be signed next week.
e.  The Town received a check for our recycling participation in the amount of $2,301.71 (6 months worth) which was turned over to the Treasurer to deposit.
f.  Chapter 91 license notification from Robert Treado of 11 Buckingham Lane.
13.  Warrants were signed.
14.  Inter-Departmental Secretary’s weekly report reviewed.
a.  Permission was given for M Noe to attend the ABCC forum in Lenox on Sept 10th being organized by Smitty Pignatelli and the ABCC.
     b.  Follow up on .gov renewal – one of the Select Board members is going to pay for the renewal as there has not been a response from the Treasurer or Accountant and the Board does not want to drag this on any longer.
     c.  M. Noe commented on how nice it is having the Town Clerk available in the Town Hall during the day/week.  It has been very helpful.
d.  The Board asked M. Noe to order another indoor flag pole with a base for the Monterey Flag raising on September 10th.

A motion was made and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at: 10:20am

Submitted by:
Melissa Noe, Inter-Departmental Secretary
Approved by:
Monterey Select Board

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Select Board Members
Minutes Book